Thursday, March 23, 2006

people and their jobs...

Well this is a VENT... so if you don't want to read me be annoyed... stop here... I'll post something happy again soon

If people have to apply for a job... and get the job... and they have been there for multiple years... why do they chose to make things difficult and not actually DO their job? It seems kinda ridiculous to go to school to learn how to do something... claim you like to do it... KNOW what the job entails and still... NOT just do the job particularly if it actually is HARDER on everyone if you don't do it... I just don't get it! Not doing what you are supposed to just makes people angry at you... and chances are you have to do it later after someone has to take the time to nag you about it unless someone else sucks it up and does it for you. It makes you look lazy and actually can effect other's jobs and puts them behind and makes them look inefficient and actually gives your whole company a bad name. So, I just don't get it... why one would take a job and then just not do it right if at all and WHY they make it in a certain position for more than a week... particularly when they have been spoken to MULTIPLE TIMES and really have had EVERYTHING explained to them so that they ABSOLUTELY are aware of what they aren't doing and still don't seem to care! ok... enough of my ranting. I'm all done. I feel better now. thanks for reading my rant.



Blogger Delenn said...

Hey, I know of which you speak! Its hard to deal with people who seem to find the workplace merely a social gathering place instead of a place to work.

12:58 PM  

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