Monday, August 18, 2008


I’m officially a TRIATHLETE!

LOL ok so this past saturday I had the ?pleasure? of competing in a triathlon. if you have been reading my blogs you know I'm insane and signed up for the timberman triathlon which was this past weekend. My goal was to finish and it would be a bonus to not finish dead last or dead on a stretcher. lol. WELL I FINISHED and finished 490/494 but I wasn't last and I wasn't dead so I'm PSYCHED! it was a 1/3 mile swim which is a lot longer than it seems, a 15 mile bike and a 5k run.
The bike was the hardest part as it is QUITE hilly in NH and at one point I thought I was going to vomit from some intense abdominal cramping but only dry heaved a little then drank a bunch of gatorade and went about my business. I never expected to finish pretty or even in the first half of the pack... in fact... I was pretty sure that I might even finish dead last after the clock had already been taken down but I finished and everyone was still there and there were even a few after me and a few that never even finished!! SO I may not be a great triathlete but I can now say that I AM a TRIATHLETE albeit a horrible one but maybe next year if I am so insane as to do this again I'll be better. yay!!