Thursday, March 23, 2006

people and their jobs...

Well this is a VENT... so if you don't want to read me be annoyed... stop here... I'll post something happy again soon

If people have to apply for a job... and get the job... and they have been there for multiple years... why do they chose to make things difficult and not actually DO their job? It seems kinda ridiculous to go to school to learn how to do something... claim you like to do it... KNOW what the job entails and still... NOT just do the job particularly if it actually is HARDER on everyone if you don't do it... I just don't get it! Not doing what you are supposed to just makes people angry at you... and chances are you have to do it later after someone has to take the time to nag you about it unless someone else sucks it up and does it for you. It makes you look lazy and actually can effect other's jobs and puts them behind and makes them look inefficient and actually gives your whole company a bad name. So, I just don't get it... why one would take a job and then just not do it right if at all and WHY they make it in a certain position for more than a week... particularly when they have been spoken to MULTIPLE TIMES and really have had EVERYTHING explained to them so that they ABSOLUTELY are aware of what they aren't doing and still don't seem to care! ok... enough of my ranting. I'm all done. I feel better now. thanks for reading my rant.


Saturday, March 18, 2006

cat allergies

OK so not to dwell on this cat thing but did you know cats have allergies to none other than CAT FOOD!!! ok so here's the scoop. I had a bunch of dry cat food that the cat was eating just fine and seemed to be healthy on. BUT I was told... you should get a more nutrient cat food and so I went to petco and picked up some iams and some natural type food that was high nutrient. well now I had all this food that I was determined to have the cats eat... so I mixed them up and had a MONDO bag that was difficult to pick up and pour into the auto feeder I have, sooooo..... off to target I went to find a fancy pour thing that is airtight. Basically kitty tupperware. WELL I saw a great deal... the best one I saw was actually free with a large bag of Friskies cat food... and it was only $8 when the less airtight one without a handle was $6 without the food so what would you do..... right! exactly what I did... bought the friskies. So I get this bag home and decide... well I'll mix it all together so that I get a mix of nutrient dense with some that apparently isn't so nutrient dense although still nutrient enough for cat food. NOW I have a larger than BJs supply of this food. GREAT! the cats love it and are eating it up as if it were candy to a 3 year old. well Koneko... apparently a little stressed to begin with because Maggie was now taking over his kitty bed (I've since bought another so now I have 2 at the head of my bed) ... started shedding. I thought it was just the spring shed... it was getting warmer after all and a medium hair cat can be a little hot with all that thick fur. So after some brushing I was convinced I had gotten it all with only some compaints from koneko. well later that day I watched him cleaning himself and he was licking tufts of hair off his tail or so I thought till I noticed he was actually PULLING IT OUT! BITING HIS HAIR OUT!!! and itching. I called a friend of mine as it was late and he suggested it might be the food as RED dye can be allergenic to cats. Well what color was the friskies you might ask??? RED!!!! so now I have this VAT of cat food that makes my cat's skin itchy and fur fall out not to mention that I thought the cat needed some kitty prozac for pulling his hair out of his tail... that fluffy tail :( oh how it looks now. sad. He's not totally bald because as soon as I noticed I went out and bought kitty hydrocortisone spray and skin sensitive cat food and have been feeding them since. Maggie was fine with the other food. no problems at all and in fact she doesn't even really like the new food so I continue to give her that in a dish but both cats only have access to the science diet sensitive skin formula. Koneko has stopped pulling and itching adn seems to be much happier now. purring and kneading as he had been. he's learning to play with cat toys from Maggie as he hadn't been playing prior to her arrival. He seems all around happier with his friend and now with his $15 for a small bag of food science diet sensitive skin. I felt so horrible but who woulda thunk it? my other cat loved friskies as does maggie. so Maggie better like it for years to come cause it's gonna take her that long to eat it all! well off to bed... to share my bed with the 2 cats in their cat beds. one on each side of my head. LOL

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

my life with Cat... Cats!!!

So I recently moved to Manchester NH and had issues with feeling that this was an empty house so I did what many single women do... I got a cat. Koneko was my first baby here. He stole my heart at the Manchester Animal shelter when I walked in looking for a DOG. His little face and his beautiful hair just caught my eye when I walked by to the dog cages... I wanted something small like a minipin or schnauzer, maybe a pug or a daschund. Something that would lick my face when I walked in the door and I could play with in the summer outdoors. I was excited.... but.... saw this beautiful medium hair Grey faded Tiger...Koneko... and fell in love.... well his name unfortunately was BILLY BOB at the shelter and that just had to go so we don't often mention it! Koneko means Kitty in Japanese and I had just come back from NYC after testing for a japanese martial art called iaido... art of the sword. something I've been doing for some time now but that will be a post for another day. Anyhow... SO I had Koneko who did everything I wanted.... ran to the door when I came home. Played with his string endlessly when I want to play with him and snuggles up in bed with me (he's very cute with bedhead) to keep my feet (and sometimes my head) warm. BUT it became a little obvious to me that Koneko needed a friend. He started getting upset with me when I didn't play with him immediately when I got home. PEEING ON MY BED one day when I got home and cooked dinner for myself and friends and obviously not giving him enough time. He was starting to drive me nuts and I was tripping over him multiple times and occasionally thinking I was going to break his ribs by mistake from stepping on him. Well Friday my cousins called me from the Bedford Animal Rescue League and left a message on my machine mentioning a black cat at the shelter I just had to look at cause she was super cute and my little cousins were working hard on their mom that she couldn't be left at the shelter cause she was too sweet. My cousin had already been the route of having 4 cats at home... she is down to 2 now and didn't want to repeat the endless cat litter frenzy at home so she called ME knowing I was thinking about a little friend for Koneko. Well I went to the shelter not knowing what cat they were looking at but my cousing Sandy was going to meet me at the shelter with the 2 kids in tow. Well before they got there I entered the cat room and after looking at about 5 black cats I came to Maggie's cage. That was her name and it fit. she was such a cute little girl and gave a little meow and a purr when I stroked her ear through the bars. There was a sign on her cage saying she wasn't allowed visitors but I JUST HAD TO SEE HER so I asked the shelter folks and they explained to me that it was yesterday's sign as she had just been spade but she was able to play today. I got to hold her and it was love at first cuddle. she purred.... I ooh-ed... I turned her over and rubbed her belly holding her like a baby and she just kneaded my shouder and fell asleep. I couldn't resist. My cousins hadn't gotten there but I had chosen my second cat. I told them I'd take her if they let me. I had filled out an application earlier and had been pre-approved... it's pretty complicated and honestly I think It'd be easier to mortage a home or adopt a child sometimes..... 3 pages of application for a cat that was in a shelter! go figure... anyway... so I picked her and she picked me. I put my cat carrier down on the floor in their visiting room and opened the door. She crawled in without being coaxed or as usual for cats forced in the door... she got comfy on the little pad I had in there... kneaded herself comfy and curled up ready to go home. She stayed in there till I finished all paperwork and made my credit card smoke a little more and then I closed the carrier. We traveled home quietly without so much as a meow and came home. The first day was a little hairy... Koneko was excited to have a little girl around but Maggie was less than excited to see someone else around as she was not used to the new surroundings. She growled and hissed a little. she got her own room for the night to relax a little but they enjoyed breakfast together and in only 2 days she and Koneko are best friends. They are playing and snuggling as though they were of the same litter... well sometimes... when Koneko isn't chasing her tail and she isn't swatting at his face for jumping at her. So my life with cats... GREAT! Until last night when Maggie decided she preferred the guest bed to the litter box and this morning when she found my IAIDO GI was a good spot to PEE!!! well I closed some doors and cleaned up the random piles of clothing in corners and washed the blankets and sheets... I had enough blankets on the bed that the mattress was spared! thank goodness!!! She used the litter box during the day and so far so good with her bowel habits. hopefully that will be it and we can go back to snuggling together all 3 of us on the bed. well time for bed... PEACE!

Friday, March 03, 2006

mindless babble

Well I'm not totally sure what to blog about today so this is just going to be some silly babble as I'm home sick on lots of meds and kinda bored. I was just looking at a blog that Kim wrote (my friend Lori's cousin) and thought it was so cool that she had a place to journal her babie's growth that I figured it would be fun to start a blog of my own... to chronicle what? you might ask... not sure... whatever I feel like writing about I guess. I remembered as well that my friend April also had a blog going on this site so maybe this is something I need to really work on. BUT today I'll keep it breif cause I'm in between naps trying to get better from this aweful cold that I managed to pick up as a part of workplace hazards at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center where I see tons of sickies and work at getting them better. Unfortunately despite the soap, water and endless supply of purell that seems to chap my hands raw, I cannot escape the inevitable cough in the face that happens too often or the sneeze that was unexpected when I am looking into their ear or listening to their chest. Oh well. I can't complain. I love my job. I am feeling a little better today though as I went to the walkin last night at the clinic and was put on lots of meds to get tip top again and should be up and about soon. I'm just sad because tomorrow is my niece's birthday and unfortunately I'm going to have to miss it. Just means I'll have to have a little birthday party for her myself sometime in the next few weeks. Today is her official birthday so I'll call her and sing a happy birthday to her in both english and Portuguese which she just recently learned when we went to Portugal this last summer. She'll get a kick out of it and I'm sure I'll instantly feel better hearing her little giggle and her voice calling me Ti Ti. ok enough for today.